Spring 2025Order now for delivery from week commencing 31st March.
Pippin Trees banner logoOver 400 varieties of flowering cherries, crab apples, rowans and other ornamental trees.

Catalogue of trees for sale

  • Albizia (Silk) treesAlbizia

    Albizias or Silk trees are attractive small trees with feathery foliage and fluffy flowers, they do best in a sunny position.5 varieties
  • Amelanchier trees

    Amelanchiers are popular small trees with attractive white blossom and multiple autumn leaf colours.8 varieties
  • Beech treesFagus

    Beeches are large attractive trees with a stately presence, and often with good autumn leaf colours.6 varieties
  • Birch treesBetula

    Birches are particularly graceful trees, usually with attractive bark, and interesting leaves.24 varieties
  • HornbeamCarpinus

    Hornbeams are large attractive and long-lived deciduous trees, related to birch.2 varieties
  • Cercis (Redbud) treesCercis

    Cercis or Redbuds are small trees / large shrubs noted for their attractive flowers and leaves.16 varieties
  • Flowering dogwood treesCornus

    The flowering dogwoods are hardy versatile small trees, often with long-lasting spring blossom.9 varieties
  • Hazel treesCorylus

    Hazels provide excellent winter interest with their attractive catkins.2 varieties
  • Crab-apple treesMalus

    Crab-apple trees are one of our specialities - we have one of the widest selections of crab-apple trees available in the UK.56 varieties
  • Elm treesUlmus

    Elms are a large deciduous trees. New varieties are now available which are resistant to Dutch Elm disease.3 varieties
  • Evergreen trees

    Evergreen trees retain their leaves throughout the year, making them useful for screening and as an ornamental feature in the garden.6 varieties
  • Flowering apricot treesPrunus mume

    Flowering apricots are grown for their beautiful deep pink blossom.1 varieties
  • Flowering cherry treesPrunus

    We have one of the widest selections of ornamental flowering cherry trees available in the UK.56 varieties
  • Flowering pear treesPyrus

    Flowering pear trees offer attractive spring blossom, and usually good autumn colour, and are easy to grow.3 varieties
  • Fruiting ornamental trees

    These are trees grown primarily for ornamental appeal, but which also may produce fruit.5 varieties
  • Ginkgo treesGinkgo

    Ginkgos are attractive and distinctive trees with an ancient lineage.2 varieties
  • Hawthorn treesCrataegus

    Hawthorns are a diverse range of hardy deciduous trees with attractive blossom and fruitlets.11 varieties
  • Trees for bees

    Our range of ornamental trees which are particularly attractive to bees and other pollinator insects (melliferous) and will help sustain bee populations in your orchard or garden.14 varieties
  • Horse ChestnutAeseculus

    1 varieties
  • Japanese maple treesAcer palmatum

    Our selection of Japanese acers or maple trees, grown for their oriental beauty and autumn colours.7 varieties
  • Liquidambar trees

    Liquidambar trees, or sweet gums, are known for their spectacular autumn leaf colours.6 varieties
  • Magnolia treesMagnolia

    Magnolias are grown primarily for their brightly coloured spring flowers, often borne on bare branches ahead of the leaves.43 varieties
  • Maple treesAcer

    A genus of large stately trees, easy to grow, and often with spectacular autumn colours.24 varieties
  • Native trees

    Native trees are species that colonised the British Isles after the last ice age.11 varieties
  • Robinia treesRobinia

    Robinias are versatile hardy trees and shrubs that will grow in most conditions.2 varieties
  • Rowan treesSorbus

    Rowan or Mountain Ash trees are hardy attractive trees, easy to grow in most situations.48 varieties
  • Whitebeam treesSorbus aria

    Whitebeams are part of the Sorbus group, closely related to the Rowans / Mountain Ash.11 varieties
  • LilacSyringa

    Lilacs (Syringa) are small trees or large shrubs known for their superb scented flowers.11 varieties
  • Our recommendations

    These are trees we particularly recommend as being amongst the best in their species.24 varieties