Carolina Sweetheart is an excellent example of a modern Eastern Redbud. The main attraction is the multi-coloured heart-shaped leaves. These are a dark purple when they emerge in late spring, but change to green over the summer, splashed with pink and white.
It also features a profusion of small rosy purple flowers in mid-spring. These are borne on bare branches, before the leaves.
Carolina Sweetheart will eventually become quite a large tree - perhaps 4m-5m high, and a similar spread, in UK conditions. If left to its own devices it will usually become multi-stemmed.
Click this link to see a short video produced by North Carolina State University which illustrates several of their Cercis varieties.
All our pot-grown trees are grown for us to our specification by the Frank P Matthews nursery.
All pot-grown trees are suitable for planting out in the garden, some are suitable for growing in containers.
Order now for delivery from week commencing 31st March.
Fill in the form below and we will notify you when Carolina Sweetheart cercis are back in stock.
If you do not hear from us by February you can contact us in the spring to pre-order for the autumn.
Like all Cercis, Carolina Sweetheart does best in full sun, and needs a well-drained soil.
Carolina Sweetheart was developed by the North Carolina State University in collaboration with Star Roses and Plants Nursery.