Spring 2025Order now for delivery from week commencing 31st March.
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Carolina SweetheartTM

Cercis canadensis

Carolina Sweetheart is an excellent example of a modern Eastern Redbud. The main attraction is the multi-coloured heart-shaped leaves. These are a dark purple when they emerge in late spring, but change to green over the summer, splashed with pink and white.

It also features a profusion of small rosy purple flowers in mid-spring. These are borne on bare branches, before the leaves.

Carolina Sweetheart will eventually become quite a large tree - perhaps 4m-5m high, and a similar spread, in UK conditions. If left to its own devices it will usually become multi-stemmed.

Click this link to see a short video produced by North Carolina State University which illustrates several of their Cercis varieties.

Carolina Sweetheart cercis (redbud) trees for sale

All our pot-grown trees are grown for us to our specification by the Frank P Matthews nursery.

All pot-grown trees are suitable for planting out in the garden, some are suitable for growing in containers.

  • 2-year pot-grown tree £97.00
    Grown for us by Frank P Matthews nursery
    In a 12L pot
    Large size (3m-5m after 10 years)
Next deliveries

Order now for delivery from week commencing 31st March.

How to grow

Like all Cercis, Carolina Sweetheart does best in full sun, and needs a well-drained soil.



Carolina Sweetheart was developed by the North Carolina State University in collaboration with Star Roses and Plants Nursery.

Carolina Sweetheart characteristics

  • Gardening skillBeginner
  • Attractive featuresAttractive flowersAttractive foliageAutumn foliage colourVariegated foliageSummer foliage colour
  • Growth habitSpreading / Flat-topped
  • Height after 10 years3m-5m / 10ft-16ft
  • SunlightTolerates shadePrefers full sun
  • PruningPrune after flowering
  • Site conditionsOccasional droughtFree-draining site
  • Flower colourPink - dark
  • Flower formSingle flower (5-8 petals)
  • Flowering monthApril
  • Leaf colourGreenPink-white-green variegated
  • Leaf/Flower sequenceFlowers appear first
  • Country of originUnited States
  • Annual cycleDeciduous

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