Spring 2025Order now for delivery from week commencing 31st March.
Pippin Trees banner logoOver 400 varieties of flowering cherries, crab apples, rowans and other ornamental trees.

Eternal Flame®

Cercis canadensis
Cercis canadensis Eternal Flame leaves

The main feature of Eternal Flame is the stunning heart-shaped foliage. The new leaves emerge a dark red colour, gradually lightening to fiery orange, and eventually yellow. As the first leaves age and turn yellow, newer ones are still red and orange, creating a spectacular multi-coloured effect.

Eternal Flame also produces small pink flowers in spring - these appear on bare branches, ahead of the leaves.

Eternal Flame cercis (redbud) trees for sale

All our pot-grown trees are grown for us to our specification by the Frank P Matthews nursery.

All pot-grown trees are suitable for planting out in the garden, some are suitable for growing in containers.

  • 2-year pot-grown tree £97.00
    Grown for us by Frank P Matthews nursery
    In a 12L pot
    Large size (3m-5m after 10 years)
Next deliveries

Order now for delivery from week commencing 31st March.

How to grow

Eternal Flame is a small hardy tree. Choose a sunny spot for the best leaf colour.


Eternal Flame was raised by Dennis Werner at North Carolina State University, which has become a major centre for the development of new Cercis varieties.

Eternal Flame characteristics

  • Gardening skillBeginner
  • Attractive featuresAttractive foliageAutumn foliage colourSpring foliage colourSummer foliage colour
  • Growth habitSpreading / Flat-topped
  • Height after 10 years3m-5m / 10ft-16ft
  • SunlightPrefers full sun
  • PruningPrune after floweringLight prune
  • Growth rateAverage
  • Flower colourPink - dark
  • Flower formSingle flower (5-8 petals)
  • Flowering monthApril
  • Leaf colourYellow
  • Leaf colour - autumnYellow
  • Leaf/Flower sequenceFlowers appear first
  • Country of originUnited States
  • Annual cycleDeciduous

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