Golden Glory is a late-flowering crab-apple, featuring large white single flowers.
In autumn the tree produces small golden russet-covered fruitlets, which hang on the tree well into autumn.
The leaves are relatively large by crab-apple standards, and have dull-red sheen when newly-emerged, turning solid green over the summer. Unusually for a crab-apple, they turn orange-red in the autumn, making Golden Glory an excellent choice for autumn interest.
All our pot-grown trees are grown for us to our specification by the Frank P Matthews nursery.
All pot-grown trees are suitable for planting out in the garden, some are suitable for growing in containers.
Fill in the form below and we will notify you when Golden Glory crab-apple trees are back in stock.
If you do not hear from us by February you can contact us in the spring to pre-order for the autumn.
Golden Glory is a good example of the Yunnan crab apple species, Malus yunnanensis. It is characterised by its large leaves.
It was developed by Lawrence Banks of Hergest Croft Gardens in Herefordshire and introduced in 2020.
We list more than 40 different crab-apple trees. Choosing can be difficult! See our article explaining the different characteristics of crab-apple trees which will help you narrow down the selection.