Elm trees
Elms are a large deciduous trees. New varieties are now available which are resistant to Dutch Elm disease.
Ulmus LUTECE Nanguen is one of the best of the elm varieties which have some resistance to Dutch Elm Disease.£74.00buyUlmusWingham
A new Elm variety with very good resistance to Dutch Elm Disease and a good host for the White-letter Hairstreak butterfly.Ulmus xWredei
A compact elm tree which does not get too big, with green leaves which turn yellow in full sun.£74.00buyUlmus x hollandica
How to choose Elm trees
Elms are popular landscape trees, relatively fast-growing, and capable of reaching considerable heights.
Elms are wind-pollinated. In most elm species the period when the flowers are receptive is slightly different to the period when pollen is produced, ensuring that an individual tree will not pollinate itself - however there is often some overlap. The seeds are also dispersed by wind.
All native elm species in the UK are susceptible to a fungal infection known as Dutch Elm Disease, which arose in the 1950s and is fatal. Much research has been undertaken to devlop new elm hybrids which have some resistance to the disease.