Snow Queen is the most popular of the Himalayan birches, with their distinctive bright white bark. The main stem of Snow Queen turns pure white even from a young age.
The leaves provide dappled shade in the summer, and turn yellow in the autumn.
The tree grows with a pleasing upright form.
All our pot-grown trees are grown for us to our specification by the Frank P Matthews nursery.
All pot-grown trees are suitable for planting out in the garden, some are suitable for growing in containers.
Order now for delivery from week commencing 31st March.
Fill in the form below and we will notify you when Snow Queen birch are back in stock.
If you do not hear from us by February you can contact us in the spring to pre-order for the autumn.
When planting multi-stem birch trees it is a good idea to support the young stems with a cane.
If you purchase a bare-root Snow Queen (not a container-grown one) you can also encourage it to become multi-stemmed by topping it at around 40cm - 50cm from the ground - this will encourage the tree to send out new shoots from near the bottom of the stem. In the second year after doing this select 3-5 of the strongest shoots to grow on, and remove the rest.