Spring 2025Order now for delivery from week commencing 31st March.
Pippin Trees banner logoOver 400 varieties of flowering cherries, crab apples, rowans and other ornamental trees.

Trees in the News and Media

If you hear of tree varieties or species mentioned in the news media please let us know.

Monty Don's Japanese Gardens

February 2019

Monty Don visits Japan in the middle of the spring cherry blossom season, and learns about "ma", the importance of the arrangement of space between trees in Japanese gardens. He describes the Great White Cherry - Tai-Haku - and how this traditional Japanese flowering cherry died out in the 19th century, but was re-introduced to Japan from a tree discovered growing in a garden in England.


Funding available for Pocket Parks

These are small public spaces where people can relax, exercise, socialise, and play. Community groups should apply by 25th January 2019.

More info here.


Trees featured on BBC Gardeners World

2018 Episode 29 - 19th October 2018

Monty Don plants some "glorious" Malus Evereste crab-apple trees in the four quadrants of his Paradise Garden. His advice to "water water water" is the key to helping any newly-planted tree to establish over the following spring and summer.

Meanwhile Nick Bailey investigates trees that can be grown in a small garden. He suggests the columnar crab-apple Malus Aros® with its dark burgundy leaves, the columnar birch Fastigiata Joes® with its bright white stem, a compact rowan with pink berries - Pink Charm.


Alys Fowler in the The Guardian - How to grow crab apple trees

December 2017

Alys Fowler, The Guardian's gardening expert, sings the praises of crab-apples.

How to grow crab apple trees.

We list all the varieties she recommends:



Cherry blossom forecast for Japan

January 2017

The Japanese Meteorological Corporation has released the first forecast for the cherry blossom season in Japan.



Trees featured on BBC Gardeners World

Episode 24 - 9th September 2016

Carol Klein looks at members of the rose family, including the crab-apple Malus transitoria, and a hawthorn, Crataegus persimilis Prunifolia.


Tree of the Year award 2016

The Woodland Trust's tree of the year award includes nominations for famous and distinctive individual trees throughout England. Some have historic interest, others are just much-loved trees in public spaces.